Blitzen’s Christmas Lesson
Last month was not a good one for my dog, Blitzen. First, I came home one day to find that he had chewed up my husband’s new pairs of safety glasses which he had purchased for work. I found pieces … Continue reading →
Last month was not a good one for my dog, Blitzen. First, I came home one day to find that he had chewed up my husband’s new pairs of safety glasses which he had purchased for work. I found pieces … Continue reading →
I dug inside my closet to find our Christmas things. I found some scented candles and a silver bell that rings. I dusted off the reindeer and set them on the shelf. I found some handmade … Continue reading →
Though you have not seen him you love him…believe him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy.” 1Peter 1:8 Red and green stockings dangle empty below four red blocks, carefully centered upon my back-lit mantle. The Christmas story framed between two brass angels, … Continue reading →
When our children were young, my husband and I felt like we were so busy with holiday plans and extended family parties that we barely spent time with our children. We decided to start a tradition of having a pre-Christmas … Continue reading →
How joyful are you feeling right now? Yes, joyful. Are you rejoicing in everything about the Christmas season? No? Not so happy about the long lines in the stores, the extra traffic on the road, the additional expenses resulting in … Continue reading →
It should not be difficult to explain to our children that Christmas is about the birth of Christ and wishing others a Merry Christmas is wishing others well during this special season. So when did Merry Christmas become a ” … Continue reading →