I’m excited to share my newest picture book. Though the content is heavy, we all have to answer children’s questions about death. It’s not unusual for children to lose a friend in a car wreck or to cancer or even … Continue reading →
Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Ginny Aversa Tyler, author of the Kingdom Kicks Series. These picture books are a mix of Bible stories and modern-day life lessons in the setting of martial arts.
Continue reading →Christian Children’s books should help our children understand the Bible. Do you know people who naturally speak passages of scripture in everyday conversation? I have always envied them. Recently, I came across a Christian Children’s author who does just that. … Continue reading →
After my time with the Lord this morning, I changed what I planned to write today. I’ve been going through Kristi Mclleland’s study entitled “Jesus and Women.” This morning, she taught about a tear jar vessel. The woman who washed Jesus’ feet … Continue reading →
Joy is so wrapped up in Pentecost! It is celebrated 50 days after Easter and means 50. It is the Greek name for the Old Testament spring harvest festival known as the Feast of Weeks. The Israelites celebrated it 7 … Continue reading →
When my children were young, I appreciated engaging devotional books I could share with them. I remember one with a treasure hunt theme my son particularly enjoyed. Every night, he looked forward to the next installment in the adventure, and … Continue reading →