Learning to Read
When should I teach my child to read? It’s a good question, and one that I was often asked during my years as a preschool teacher. Now that I am a children’s author, I am still asked that question. So … Continue reading →
When should I teach my child to read? It’s a good question, and one that I was often asked during my years as a preschool teacher. Now that I am a children’s author, I am still asked that question. So … Continue reading →
More than 30,000 children’s books are published each year. How do you find the best among them for your children to read? Fortunately, there are a few good book-review sites that can help. Christian Children’s Book Review Founded by Kristina … Continue reading →
I will remember these past few months for the rest of my life. In March our beautiful niece died from head injuries sustained in a car accident. Easter weekend we buried my father-in-law who died of cancer, and last Saturday … Continue reading →
As a children’s author, I often compare what is popular now to popular books from my youth. Amazingly, many themes that drew me in as a girl are ones that still appear in children’s literature today. The Little House series … Continue reading →
Once upon a time there was a little boy who loved his books. Long before he could talk, he loved turning pages, looking at the pictures, hearing his grandpa name the objects in the pictures, and pointing to those objects. … Continue reading →
My daughter, co-author, and mother-to-be was recently featured on Tyndale Publishing’s blog “Kid’s Talk Tuesday.” With her permission, I am posting it today for our CCA followers. As I write these words I feel the sweet kicks of a baby … Continue reading →