Do You Haiku?
Children love the rhyme and rhythm of poetry, the quick stories told in vivid language. If you’re unfamiliar with haiku, you’ll find them just a little different.
Continue reading →Children love the rhyme and rhythm of poetry, the quick stories told in vivid language. If you’re unfamiliar with haiku, you’ll find them just a little different.
Continue reading →O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. I Chronicles 16:34 Our houses overflowed with gifts in celebration of the Greatest Gift, but the Lord loads us up with gifts, blessings, benefits, every … Continue reading →
Children are facing tragedies daily. Parents are deployed. Storm, wildfires, and earthquakes destroy lives, homes, and communities. Cancer is no respecter of persons, striking the very young and the very old. How we address these situations affects our children’s reactions. … Continue reading →
I watched our two granddaughters, almost 6 and almost 2. The oldest pulled up a chair to the stove and stirred a hot pan making gravy without help, while her mom worked with the other cooking. The least one sat … Continue reading →
Did you know that children’s magazines are now asking for writing from children? Both secular and Christian magazines want writing from their readers. How can we help our children stretch themselves to become writers that reach a broad audience with a Christian … Continue reading →
Does your child ask you to read the same book over and over and OVER? That’s a good thing. You are creating a love for reading. Your child will see himself/herself as a reader. As you read the same book over and … Continue reading →