Thanksgiving: The Forgotten Holiday
We have a joke in our house. We call Thanksgiving the speed bump on the way to Christmas. That’s truly an unfortunate way of looking at a holiday that is all about giving thanks.
Continue reading →We have a joke in our house. We call Thanksgiving the speed bump on the way to Christmas. That’s truly an unfortunate way of looking at a holiday that is all about giving thanks.
Continue reading →Two years ago I was invited to a mission event to teach children about Latin America. We’d gathered around our interactive map and labeled the Amazon River, the rain-forests and the mountains in Peru. We’d talked about how the children … Continue reading →
If I could fly on the wings of dawn, stopping to rest only on the far side of the ocean–even there your hand would guide me; even there your strong hand would hold me tight! Psalm 139:10 CEB If we’re honest, … Continue reading →
Are you a strict disciplinarian, lenient disciplinarian, or a mix of both? Do you fully understand the concept of “spare the rod, spoil the child” (Prov 13:24)? According to biblical wisdom, the greatest love we show our children is when … Continue reading →
One of my favorite parts of being a writer is being able to stay home and type away behind the safety of my computer screen. That’s probably why I took so easily to online book promotion. Recently, I was asked by … Continue reading →
Growing up Catholic, I was used to giving up something for Lent. As a kid it was chocolate or donuts or some other treat. One year it was comic books–that was hard. For years after I left the Catholic Church I … Continue reading →