Clebrate February! By Karen Whiting
It’s almost February with lots of reasons to celebrate and enjoy family activities
Continue reading →It’s almost February with lots of reasons to celebrate and enjoy family activities
Continue reading →The first Thanksgiving in America actually took place in 1598, in Texas. Spanish pioneers marched north from Mexico to Texas for three months. They camped in what is now the city of El Paso, Texas. Don Juan de Oñate had … Continue reading →
This is apple-picking time! October is National Apple Month. Apples grow in all fifty states of the U.S. God made apples special. We can bob for apples instead of bananas or pears because 25% of an apple’s volume is air so … Continue reading →
Enjoy the great outdoors of the summer. It’s time to look around and enjoy the green grass, flowers, and leafy trees. It’s time to picnic, enjoy playing at a park, and splash in water to rejoice at all God made. … Continue reading →
REJOICE! May 12th many churches celebrate the ascension of Jesus in Acts 1. That gives us so much hope and leads to Pentecost ten days later that celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. These are great reasons to rejoice! … Continue reading →
From Karen Whiting. With Easter weekend we think about Jesus dying for us and then rising to bring us eternal life. His mother Mary stood by the cross, went to the tomb, and stayed with the apostles to watch Jesus … Continue reading →