Bible Verse Activities for Kids-James 1:17 and Ephesians 4:32
I love trying to find the perfect gift for someone. I’ve spent a year or more planning for that moment. The idea, the legwork, the wrapping, the waiting. It all leads up to that moment when the recipient finally opens the gift. Yet, try as I might, my best gifts can’t begin to compare with the gift Almighty God gave us when He sent His only Son to this world to be our Savior. He had the idea before He created man. He orchestrated the people and events of history for thousands of years. He wrapped His Son in a fragile body in a forgotten corner of the world and placed Him in a humble family. And He waited for people to open and receive His gift, just as He waits for each of us today. Let’s help the children in our lives discover and receive the greatest and only truly perfect Gift that will bring joy for all eternity.
I hope you enjoy these activity sheets designed to help children memorize and commit James 1:17 and Ephesians 4:32 to heart.