A recipe for help.
I was recently asked by my children’s school for a recipe for Nepali food. Why? Because my family and I lived in Nepal for 5 years. During that time we came to love the food, the people and nation of Nepal. I have since written several stories inspired by our time there some of which have been published.
Nepal is a beautiful and fascinating country, well deserving of it’s rapport as a coveted tourist destination. If you ever get the chance to travel there, please do, you’ll love it!
But the recent earthquakes have caused incredible amounts of damage in the hills and valleys of Nepal, particularly those between Pokhara, where we used to live, and the capital Kathmandu. Many communities have experienced loss, not only of family and friends, but of homes, livelihood and basic resources. These families will be in serious need of prayer, financial and practical support over the coming years – not just the month or two of media coverage it will receive.
My children’s school asked me for a Nepali recipe because they have decided to help raise funds to send to Nepal to help in the rebuilding efforts by holding a curry day. One day later this term, instead of being able to order hot-dogs or pizza from the canteen, children will have the opportunity to order Nepali inspired cuisine with all profits going direct to Nepal.
Food is a practical tool for helping children grow in understanding of different cultures and gives a very tangible association between what is known and what is unknown. If you’d like to hold a fundraising event, or have decided as a family to donate towards the rebuilding efforts and want to educate your children about Nepal as you do so, here are some links to websites with some recipes you may like to try:
Momos – these are little steamed dumplings. Children enjoy wrapping up the parcels as they are prepared and devouring them once they are cooked
Rice and lentils is the staple food of Nepal. It is often served with a vegetable or meat curry on the side. Add as few or as many chilies as your family would enjoy!
Mango Lassi is a sweet and refreshing drink made of yogurt and fresh mango! My children love this as an after school treat.
If you’d like to know where to send donations raised for Nepal, I’d recommend contacting your favourite trusted charity or one of the following:
International Nepal Fellowship
Both of these organisations have been providing health and development services in Nepal for over 60 years.
And please keep Nepal in your thoughts and prayers as time goes on.
A recipe for help. — No Comments
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