Books to Interest Christian Kids
The last few weeks, we’ve been looking at how to find great books for Christian kids. The overview post is here.
Even within your family’s list of approved books, the young reader will have definite preferences. We all have preferences in our reading – don’t we?
Maybe your son only wants to read nonfiction books, specifically those about Abraham Lincoln. Maybe your daughter only want to read books about kittens or puppies.
How can families find books that are of interest to kids and yet broaden their reading lists?
Here are some ways to accomplish that:
- Begin with the preferred books, ones that you have approved as acceptable reading and fall into the interest area of your child. For example, if your child is obsessed with books about aircraft, make sure to include a book and aircraft in his book selection at the bookstore or library.
- Broaden the interest arena a little. Look for books about individuals who played a significant role in aviation history.
- Mix up the selection. Add a book in a completely different area of reading that you think your child will enjoy. Make a shared reading plan: read a book of his selection, followed by reading something new and different. If you explore the books together, he will reap the benefit of time together while exploring a possibly new interest.
How do you handle book selection in your family? What book topics interest your children?
My blogging efforts have definitely helped us find books for our families. Aside from that, I try to read books for kids from time to time so I know what’s out there. When my girls were younger, would often read an unfamiliar book together so put it down if something objectionable came up. The other thing I would do is scan a couple chapters at the beginning and middle to see what is going on.
Thanks for sharing those ideas, Cheryl! Those are great ways to test books to see if they are appropriate for kids!