Learning with Photos
Taking photographs of people, animals, places and things has always been a fun hobby for me. I’ve never bought an expensive camera or lens. Before I could use the camera on my phone, I always used an inexpensive “one use” only camera. Purchased, used and disposed.
Now I have a cell phone with camera and I love taking photos. I have often said I would never be one of “those people who always have their phone with them”. I was mistaken. I am one of those people. Most of the pictures I use on my blog are ones taken with my cell phone. The phone stays with me because there may be an opportunity for a great photo at any moment.
I like to have printed copies of each photo. Yes, I save them on the computer but there is something about holding a photo in my hands and remembering the occasion when the picture was taken. Even when little toddler fingers hold the photos and get sticky prints all over them, there is no problem. I wouldn’t trade those sticky fingerprints for anything.
Looking through albums of pictures recently, I realized how photographs can be great teaching tools. Our family has many photo albums. Some of the pictures are recent and some are so old that the paper has begun turning yellow from age.
Holding a photo of a dog, I can show our grandson the photo and say the word “dog”. Then, write the word on paper and show to Rowan. He is 2 and 1/2 and loves his dog.
This could be a wonderful teaching tool. Take a photo, look at the photo and say aloud what the picture shows. A photo of Mom, write the word “Mom” and show to the person. This method could help with learning for any age.
Using photographs for learning can be a way to share time with family, a time for teaching reading and writing skills. Also, a great time to recall what happened when the photograph was taken. This is another way to create memories.
God gives us blessings in many ways. Sharing the love of photographs and the subject in the photographs is a blessing.
Have you used photographs to teach reading and writing? What unique ways have you found to share the love of reading and writing?
Happy Picture Taking and many blessings,
Melissa Henderson
This is such a fun and great idea! Thank you for sharing.
You are welcome Bonnie. Have a fun time with photos. 🙂
What a wonderful idea! I have so many prints in a box I can use already!
I enjoy looking at photos and sharing memories 🙂
I used to do a ton of scrapbooking… the old-fashioned cut & paste method. With the rise of digital technology, now you can upload your photos to a place like Shutterfly or Walgreens, and do layouts digitally. So many great ways to tell stories with pictures! Glad you are doing that, too, and yes, that you are now “one of those people who always has their phone with them.” 😉
I use Shutterfly,too. Love their deals and coupons. And yes, I have my phone with me right this moment. haha! Have a blessed week! 🙂
I LOVE pictures, too! I have them hanging all over our house. What a great idea to use them as teaching tools! 🙂
I have photos hanging all over the house. Some are on the walls, some are in small frames sitting on desks and furniture. I love when our grandson asks “Who is that?” He is 2 and 1/2 years old and loves to see photos. 🙂 Have a blessed week!
Four-year-old Eliana helped Grandpa feed the horses last weekend, and I took pictures. Then we made a “book” with one picture per page, and simple captions like “1 horse” and “2 horses.” Eliana typed the captions with me showing her which keys to press. We printed it and she “read” it to Grandpa.
What a wonderful idea! This will be a great keepsake! 🙂 Thank you for sharing the idea.