Book Review–WHAT IS GIVEN FROM THE HEART by Patricia C. McKissack
I found this absolute treasure of a book on my latest trip to the library. I sometimes go there to relax, browse the shelves, and see what “new” books have appeared since my last visit. Often I find that spark of creativity I need to recharge my soul and start a new manuscript of my own.
What is Given From the Heart written by Patricia C. McKissack and illustrated by April Harrison (Schwartz and Wade Books 2019) opens by introducing us to James Otis. He and his mom are poor. So poor that James’ daddy didn’t have a suit to be buried in, they lost their farm, and they had to move “to a run-down shotgun house in the Bottoms.”
Reverend Dennis announces that the church is giving boxes to needy folks in the community, and he reminds the congregation of a family that lost everything in a fire.
James and his mother decide to help out. James’ mother makes an apron out of her one and only tablecloth, but James doesn’t know what to give.
Finally, he decides to make a homemade book for the daughter of the family who lost their home in the fire. When the church presents the family with the box of treasures, Sarah loves James’s gift best.
In my opinion, the best part of the story is the surprise waiting for James when they arrive home. The church has made a box full of gifts for James and his mother!
I absolutely love the theme of giving to others and all the lessons embedded within this simple story. The truth is that even when you feel like you don’t have anything extravagant to offer, you can be a blessing to someone by offering what you do have. Whatever you give…time, talents, or treasures…that act of offering will come back to bless you in many different ways. Sometimes it is the wonderful feeling you have as you give, but sometimes it is even a tangible gift that someone gives back to you.
Never underestimate the fact that a simple gift can have a profound impact!
What can you give to someone this week to brighten their day?
Submitted by Mindy Baker