HomeBook and Media ReviewsThe Happy Hollisters are Back!


The Happy Hollisters are Back! — 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for the kind words, Wendy! The author (my husband’s grandfather) would be thrilled to know that his books made such an impact on your education and that you shared his books with so many of your students over the years. Please let us know if we can answer any questions for you at any time about the books, or about the author and his family members who inspired the stories!

    • Thank you for your comment, Callie! I had a great time reading through your website and learning that all the books were written by the same person. I assumed they were like many of the other series of that time, so I was impressed to learn they all had the same author. I’ve often wondered about the last one though. The Mystery of the Midnight Trolls seemed to have a different voice. Is there a reason for that?

    • I know! Right? I’m considering buying a new set because old books irritate my allergies. I’m starting to notice that mine are causing me to have a stuffy nose when I read them.

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