New Year Fresh Start
Start the year out right and spend time with your children reading the Bible. There are so many wonderful kids’ Bibles and Bible story resources, it may be hard to choose!
One Bible I love is The Jesus Storybook Bible written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago. Make it part of your routine and set a time to read with your kids…after lunch, after dinner, before bed, first thing in the morning…whatever works for you.
You don’t have to do this every time you read, but it can make it more meaningful to ask discussion and application questions to help your children apply the Scripture to their hearts and lives. Having a special snack or craft can also turn it into a fun and meaningful connection time.
Here are some discussion questions for use with the chapter entitled The Terrible Lie, pages 28-37 of The Jesus Storybook Bible, or you can read from your own Bible in Genesis 3.
After reading Genesis 3 or The Terrible Lie from The Jesus Storybook Bible use the following discussion guide:
Think about it:
1. What did Eve do that was wrong? (disobeyed God/ate the fruit)
2. Who tempted Eve? (serpent/devil)
3. Why do you think Eve fell into the temptation and did what she knew was wrong? (she thought she knew better than God/the fruit looked so good/she listened to the devil’s lies/she doubted God’s goodness)
4. Who else sinned in the story? (Adam)
5. What were the consequences of the sin? (had to leave the garden/sin and death entered into the world/had to work/pain in childbearing)
What’s the Point?
1. What does Eve’s story teach us about God? (He loves us, but he is a “righteous and just” God…there are consequences for sin and disobeying God)
2. How do rules and laws protect us? How do they provide for us?
3. Have you ever been tempted to do something you know is wrong? (yes, we all have)
4. If you gave in to the temptation, why do you think you did that?
5. What were the consequences of your actions?
My Prayer:
Dear God, thank you that your rules protect us and help us to live a good life. Help me to say no to temptation.
Want to extend the time and connect this devotional with a craft? Check out this Pinterest Board.
Post submitted by Mindy Baker. Check out her website at
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