Celebrate New Life at Easter and Spring

Hello from Karen Whiting and Happy Springtime! I hope you have flowers around you. Springtime is a time to celebrate new life and new growth. It is also a reminder that new life can come after death, like Jesus rising after dying! See how many signs of life or growth, from A to Z, you can find. Check off the ones you discover and when you’ve found at least 13 celebrate!
___ Ant hill ___ Blossoms on a tree
___ Caterpillar ___ Dog with puppies
___ Eggs ___ Flower bud
___ Green grass ___ Home of a bird
___ Insect larvae ___ Jumping bunny or grasshopper
___ Kitten ___ Lamb
___ Mother with a baby ___ New book
___ New friend smiling ___ Offshoot of a plant or tree
___ Pregnant woman ___ Quacking duckling
___ Robin ___ Slithering worm
___ Tadpole ___ Underwater baby fish
___ Vegetable garden ___ Warbling bird
___ Xtra special new Bible verse ___ Your baby photo
___ Zealous Christian
Rejoice as you find signs of spring

- Look for creepy crawling bugs. The Bible talks about learning from the ants that work hard and store food for the winter in Proverbs 30:25.
- Check out the trees and watch for the leaves to open. Find out how to be like a well-watered tree in Psalm 1.
- Look for blossoms on trees and buds on flowers. Daffodils and tulips are among the first flowers each spring. Talk about how we can blossom and read Psalm 72:16.
- Rejoice when you see new babies or new baby animals. Read Romans 6:4 and talk about new life and the value of every life.
- Find caterpillars that later will change into butterflies. Or maybe you will see a butterfly. If there’s water nearby, look for tadpoles. If you find any return every few days to see them change into frogs. The change reminds us that God changes us too. Read 2 Corinthians 3:16 about God changing us.
- Plant some seeds and watch them grow. Read about the patience of farmers as they wait for seeds to sprout and grow, in James 5:7-8. Cut off a corner of the seed packet and use it as a bookmark to remind you that you are growing too.
- Look at pretty spring flowers. Read Matthew 6:28-30 when Jesus talks about he beauty of the lily and how God cares for us.
New Life Word Search
Jesus came to give us new life. Hunt for words about new life. Use the unused letters to find a special message of something Jesus said about life.
I | C | A | T | E | R | P | I | L | L | A | R |
A | M | S | E | L | O | P | D | A | T | T | H |
Y | L | F | R | E | T | T | U | B | T | E | F |
B | R | E | S | U | N | R | R | E | U | C | L |
A | N | T | T | I | E | O | N | A | O | S | O |
B | I | U | S | E | V | A | E | L | R | G | W |
N | B | L | D | T | A | H | B | E | P | G | E |
N | O | I | T | C | E | R | R | U | S | E | R |
L | R | P | I | F | H | S | E | E | D | E | S |
Caterpillar Tadpole Flowers Heaven Robin Baby Resurrection Butterfly
Sprout Leaves Seed Eggs Tulip Bud
God loves us and formed our life inside our mothers. See if you can match what happens to a growing baby

1. Eyes start to develop a. 18 weeks
2. Grasps with hands b. 42 days (6 weeks)
3. Baby can cry c. Day 1
4. Ears are developing d. 19 days (almost 3 weeks)
5. Heart has a regular beat e. 49 days (7 weeks)
6. Baby has his or her own blood cells f. 16 weeks
7. Skeleton is all developed g. 9-10 weeks
8. Baby can swallow h. 20 weeks
9. Hair grows on head i. 56 days (8 weeks)
10. Looks like a little doll with toes, fingers, & ears j. 30 days (just over 4 weeks)
11. Lines form on hands (fingerprints) k. Heart has a regular beat
12. Life started l. 17 days (2.5 weeks)

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I love this post! Thanks you for all the great ideas and activities.
Happy Spring!