Two Picture Books for Spring
April showers brings May flowers… and brings our focus to the beauty of the world around us. Plus, every April 22 brings Earth Day, a holiday founded in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson after public outcry over an oil spill off the coast of California. In the aftermath of that disaster, which killed thousands of dolphins, seals, and other sea life, Nelson worked with environmental activists to organize the first Earth Day celebration. The day is meant to celebrate our planet and inspire people to take better care of our world. Although it is a non-religious holiday, I Made the Earth, a newly released book by Shannon Cook and Michelle Medlock Adams provides a Christian perspective on the commemoration. With eye-catching illustrations and a rollicking, rhyming text, the authors highlight the Creator of our wonderful planet and, as described on End Game Press’s website, “whispers to the reader, take care of it, please.” I appreciated how this book showed diversity in the faces of the children featured on each two-page spread and included many beloved animals. I believe the book would appeal to kids ages 2-5, although children in kindergarten and first grade might enjoy the singsong language and adorable pictures.
April isn’t just a month to appreciate our planet. We can use springtime as an opportunity to encourage our own tiny, loved ones to find ways to grow. Another book that seems to promote making a difference in the world is Love Well My Precious One by Jill Roman Lord. Releasing in October 2023, the story portrays diverse children working together to care for each other and the planet. As a schoolteacher, I value the importance of modeling kindness, empathy, and loving others. This book shows children that they can apply these principles to their lives. Kids need to know they aren’t too young (and, hey, adults, we aren’t too old) to make a difference. The illustrations are whimsical and appealing, making it an attractive book for kids of all ages.
What about you? Have you come across a book that points to our Creator or one that spurs your child to appreciate and develop desirable personal traits? Let me know your favorites in the comments!
Lori Z. Scott
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I hope it’s okay to blow my own horn because Merrigold’s Very Best Home fits this description perfectly. Merrigold is a little girl who thinks God has put her in the wrong house because her parents make her eat vegetables she doesn’t like and take naps when she doesn’t want to. So she marches off to find a new home. She visits several animal characters and soon realizes that their homes aren’t suited to her at all. A wise piglet finally tells her to go home to her own house and when she does she realizes God had given her the very best home and the very best parents in all the world.