Christmas and Angels
Angels took an active role in the first Christmas. Check out these scriptures about angels BY Karen Whiting

- The angel named Gabriel spoke to Mary about being the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
- The angel of the Lord told Zacharias his wife would give birth to John the Baptist (Luke 1:11-17). John would be a special man who would prepare people for Jesus.
- When Joseph was upset that Mary would have a baby when she was not married an angel of the Lord came to him in a dream to say the baby was from God (Matthew 1:18-25).
- On the night of the birth of Jesus the sky filled with angels who sang praises to God and celebrated the birth. They celebrated with a party in the sky.
- One angel announced to the shepherds that they could find the savior in Bethlehem in a stable (Luke 2:8-14).
- To save Jesus from King Herod who wanted to kill him, an angel appeared to Joseph in another dream and told him to flee to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15).
Angels are God’s special helpers. Celebrate angels this Christmas. Read and chat about each of the passages above. Who saw the angel? What did the angel say or do? When did the angels sing and why?
Be like angels and tell others about the birth of Jesus. Rejoice and sing as the angels did.
- Be secret angels by helping people. You can give a present to someone in need or secretly do extra chores around the house. Cut and leave paper wings to show an angel stopped by.
- Sing Christmas songs about angels like Hark the Herald Angel Sing!
- If it snows, make snow angels.Take photos.
- Make angels in ice cream or whipped cream like snow angels. Use a plastic knife to make the shape of the body and wings by swishing it back and forth.
- Check out angel crafts on Pinterest for ideas to make angel ornaments and decorations.
- Dress up as angels and go caroling. Use loops of gold tree tinsel for halos.
- Make angel cookies.
- Go on an angel hunt when shopping at the mall. See how many you can spot.
- Blow up white balloons to hang from the ceiling as angels in the sky.
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What a great idea to tie in days of old with current times.
Thanks. I think it helps children think broader and move out of the box when we share various connections such as olden days, scriptures, and new ideas.