Celebrate the Birds
February is “National Bird Feeding Month” and caring for our feathered friends is the perfect way to share God’s world with our children.

Birds are mentioned throughout the bible and each has its own significance and meaning. In fact, there are twenty-five different birds mentioned in various verses including doves, ravens, owls, and eagles. Most of these verses are ones of hope and encouragement.
Look at the birds of the air; They do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father Feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26
But in the cold of winter, many birds struggle to find food. We can create memories while taking time with a fun family activity feeding them. Spend time discussing how we can care for God’s creations.
Here are a few easy ways:
- String O-shaped cereal on pipe cleaners, twist into a circle and hang from a tree branch.
- Cut and apple in half and scoop out the seeds. Fill the centers with peanut butter and bird seed. Add a hook or nail and string to hang.
- Cut oranges in half then squeeze out (and drink) the juice. Punch holes in the orange rinds and add string. Fill with bird food and hang them.

February also includes The Great American Bird Count. Between February 16-19, people all over the world step outside to count the birds where they live. They keep a checklist and then add their data to a global list. This is a way that ornithologists track the current bird populations and are able to understand and protect them. Here is the link for more information and to sign up.
There are many birding books but our children are captivated by this remarkable book which I highly recommend:
WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE A BIRD: From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing- What Birds are Doing and Why (adapted for young readers)
Written and Illustrated by David Allen Sibley published by Delacorte Press

I’d love to know what birds you discover near your home. You can comment below or through my website Claire Noland
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