Sydney & Norman: A Love Note
Since February is the month of Valentines Day, it seems an appropriate time to introduce an old favorite of mine. Written by Phil Vischer and published by Tommy Nelson in 2006, Sidney and Norman: a tale of two pigs is almost 20 years old now. It’s a picture book, but this one definitely falls into that Family Resource category I talked about in an earlier post. Phil Vischer is the creator of The Veggie Tales series, which is known for some seriously great (Where, Oh Where is My Hairbrush?), but decidedly silly songs. Sidney & Norman is NOTHING like Veggie Tales.
Sydney and Norman are pigs who live next door to one another. Norman is a sharp dresser, always impeccably groomed, and extremely organized. Sydney, not so much. Sydney couldn’t get anywhere on time if his life depended on it. And when he does get there (wherever “there” is), he’s likely to be disheveled and missing something important he was supposed to bring. Polar opposites.
One day both Sydney and Norman receive a mysterious invitation in the mail. Each of them has been invited to a meeting with none other than God himself. The invitation fuels very different reactions. Sydney is petrified. What has he done now? But Norman is excited. He fully expects the meeting to be positive—maybe even include an award. After all, he IS a very good pig.
Neither meeting goes as expected. God’s message to each of them is one we all need to hear. And I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t the same message. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’ll just say it’s a thought-provoking story for sure.
Sydney & Norman is a wonderful book to share with your littles. It’s the sort of book you can read together, enjoy beautiful artwork, and have thoughtful conversations about God’s love for us and how we serve Him. It’s definitely a great book for cuddle up time.
But Sidney & Norman is as much for the grownups as the kids. Maybe more so. Because the message of Sidney & Norman is a reminder that God loves us. No matter who we are, where we live, how successful we are, or how talented we are—God loves us. Over the years, I’ve read this book in adult Sunday School classes, home groups, and classrooms. I have to tell you; it has a profound affect every time.
In recent months, our church Connect Group has been studying 1 John. From the start I felt impressed to read this book to the group, but I decided to wait until we got to 1 John 4. I finally got the chance near the end of January. The moment I started to read it (all adults, no kids), I realized the message was meant for one 86-year-old lady in particular. I saw it in her face. God used a picture book to reassure her of His love for her.
God REALLY loves us. All of us. And that’s a message worth sharing. Phil Vischer has done a wonderful job of doing just that in Sydney & Norman. I read it to myself every now and then. Just so I don’t forget.
While the book may be a little hard to find, it’s well worth it in my opinion. Amazon does have used copies, also used books stores, and, if all else fails, try Youtube.
Wendy Hinote Lanier
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I remember this book from years ago. It’ a good one for sure! Thanks for featuring it today.
It’s a good one! I’m always amazed at the reaction from the listeners when I read it aloud. I don’t think it’s still in print, but it should be.