Integrating Learning with Art
I have always loved art. I remember asking for art supplies as one of my earliest presents. My parents not only got supplies but purchased a child’s easel which I use even today.
Continue reading →I have always loved art. I remember asking for art supplies as one of my earliest presents. My parents not only got supplies but purchased a child’s easel which I use even today.
Continue reading →Have you ever wondered how those dates for an historic event got in the footnotes of your Bible? God called Abraham to leave Ur in 1922 BC. Joseph sold into Egypt in 1728 BC. Nehemiah completed rebuilding the wall of … Continue reading →
Creativity should lead to innovation. We all want to instill creativity in our children. In addition, their creativity should lead to making something better or introducing an entirely new creation. This book just might be the motivation they need.
Continue reading →Children learn by doing! This age-old maxim is certainly true, and the theory works in the kitchen as well as in the classroom. And now with summer vacation from school just around the corner, there will probably be more opportunities … Continue reading →
As I was preparing these activities to share with you tonight, one of the verses kept standing out to me. 2 Peter 1:16-18 says, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power … Continue reading →
We’ve known readers were leaders for decades. But a new study is proving this truer than we ever imagined. In 2021, while conducting studies on the brain to see if it was possible to predict dyslexia in students, Dr. Christopher … Continue reading →